"Jilin Model" Luo Xudong, Zhou Kunxun, Ni Feng, Zhang Zhizhao advanced deeds tour report held in Jilin High-tech Zone

来源:   时间: 2023-10-13 16:44
  On the afternoon of October 13, the "Jilin Model" Luo Xudong, Zhou Kunxun, Ni Feng and Zhang Zhizhao advanced deeds tour report was held in Jilin High-tech Zone。Zhang Shouhua, secretary of the Party Working Committee of Jilin High-tech Zone, attended the meeting, and Liu Xun, deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee, presided over the meeting。
  Wang Dong, leader of the report group and four-level researcher of the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee, attended the meeting。
  Presentation meeting,Shulan City Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision of the propaganda Department minister, Luo Xudong before his colleagues in snow Dan,Sun Xiang, Director of Information Department of Jilin Municipal Party Committee Office, former colleague of Luo Xudong and university alumnus,Shulan City Beicheng Street people's armed forces minister, Zhou Kunxun's former colleague Bai Lili,Jilin City water Conservancy and hydropower Planning Institute hydropower design office engineer, Ni Feng former colleague Guo Yan,Shulan City People's Government office general duty room section chief, Zhang Zhi Zhao former colleague CAI Yuan,Jilin City radio and television news center program director Wei Jia6Member of the delegation,In plain language,From different sides, different angles,Luo Xudong, Zhou Kunxun, Ni Feng, Zhang Zhizhao four "Jilin model" in the flood front heroic feat, excellent performance in their own posts, in the hearts of friends and relatives of all people love,Advanced deeds move one's heart,The heroic spirit is inspiring,It infected everyone in the room,Many people at the scene were in tears,Bursts of applause broke out at times。
  Before the meeting, Zhang Shouhua met with the members of the report group, and on behalf of the Party Working Committee and the Management Committee of the High-Tech Zone, he expressed high respect and deep condolences to comrades Luo Xudong, Zhou Kunxun, Ni Feng and Zhang Zhizhao who died heroically in the flood control and flood relief, and expressed sincere condolences to the relatives, comrades and colleagues of the martyrs。Clear requirements are put forward for the whole district to learn and publicize the heroic model of flood control, flood relief and disaster relief, and vigorously promote the lofty spirit of comrades Luo Xudong, Zhou Kunxun, Ni Feng and Zhang Zhizhao。
  Jilin High-tech Zone will take this tour as an opportunity,Put learning advanced deeds,同开展学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想主题教育结合起来,Give full play to the exemplary and leading role,Guide the cadres and masses of the region to draw strength from example,Under the strong leadership of the Municipal Party Committee and the Party Working Committee of the high-tech Zone,The powerful force of uniting as one and uniting as one,We will effectively rectify the inspection problems of the provincial committee,Crack the bottleneck of high-quality development,We will promote new breakthroughs in the comprehensive revitalization of high-tech zones,Contribute high-tech strength to the construction of provincial sub-central city in our city。
  Member of Party Working Committee and Management Committee of Jilin High-tech Zone,Deputy district level leading cadres,Member of the High Court team,Each bureau (office), street,Sanitation center, entrepreneurship center, new North company deputy bureau level and above cadres and related staff,Community, village party organization secretary,Affiliated middle school team members, primary school is mainly responsible for the comrades200Others attended the meeting。
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